January 2024 Newsletter

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by 39friend

Hello everyone, and happy new year! Monthly news for you all. 

MYO/Fall Event Reminder

As a reminder, our MYO event is still on-going and will be open until January 16th, 2024! You do not have to be a new user to participate. More info can be found here!

Along with that, the Fall Festival is still on-going! Info can be found here!

January PROMPT:

This month's theme is New Years! Draw and/or write about your Gachagons/other keep species celebrating the new year! Do they have any resolutions? Did they have a party with friends or family?

The January prompt will last till January 31st!


  • Your illustration must be (at the least) a halfbody with a semi-scenic background! (We should be able to tell there's depth to the piece!)
  • Your illustration must be, at the minimum, cleanly lined and colored!
  • Your illustration MUST be submitted to the monthly prompt gallery! (As well as when submitting the prompt, you'll need to link to the gallery submission. Gallery submissions can still be linked to before official approval/while pending, so there should be no reason you can't link it when submitting your piece! Prompt submissions with outside links like Discord, sta.sh, etc. will be rejected.)


  • Your written piece must be at the least 600 words long!
  • Use paragraph breaks, it makes it much easier for our mods to read over!
  • Your written piece MUST be submitted to the monthly prompt gallery!

This month's raffle Bitling can be seen below - to enter for them, you must do the monthly prompt!


Congrats @ Lucky_cat_Frank for winning last month's raffle Gachagon!


  • N/A

Thank you all for sticking around!


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