Hello, and welcome to our suggestions page! Here you can offer us suggestions on what you'd like to see added to our site/species, changes to existing features, etc. Comment below to leave a suggestion!
- By commenting here, it means you are okay with staff/other users responding to your comment. Please be respectful when discussing with others, staff or not.
- We appreciate all feedback we recieve, but keep in mind we are not guaranteed to implement any suggestions offered up and/or reply to any comments on this page. However, we do read everything commented here!
- Any posts that are harmful/could be interpreted as targeted at specific people/etc. will be removed. If you have concerns about a staff member/fellow user, please contact a species owner privately.
- We will remove any posts that are harmful towards other users/staff or could be interpreted as targeted at specific people. If you have concerns about a user or staff member please contact an admin privately.
- Everyone is different and may prefer different things! We cannot please everyone, but will do our best to make improvements as seen fit!
- Gardening mini-game
- USD shop (allows the purchase of MYOS/other items with USD, not just crayons)