Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Digimon

Hello, everyone! Apologies on the lateness! Over the past few week or so we've been working on getting the site ready for complete launch, which will (hopefully) happen within the next few days! There'll be another news post then! As for the actual news:


  • From now on, all prompts MUST be submitted to their respective galleries first (this includes art redemption)! If you give us an outside link, we will reject the submission and you will have to resend it. Gallery submissions can still be linked to before official approval/while pending, so there should be no reason you can't link it when submitting a prompt piece!
  • Madcap's prompt has been limited to 2 submissions per user per day!

NEW NPC + Circumspect's Prompt:

We've added a new permanently open prompt, alongside Madcap's! Circumspect's prompt works the same, but you get crayons instead! He is Madcap's twin, and is also in charge of the crayon bank!


January Prompt:

This months theme is NEW YEARS! Draw and/or write about your Gachagon/Scribblie/Bitling celebrating the New Years! Examples include/could be partying, thinking about their achivements the past year, deciding on a New Year's resolution, etc.! Anything works, as long as it fits the prompt!

Because this prompt is slightly late, to compensate for a put-off on the site launch, and as we'd like to allow non-beta testers to participate, the January prompt will last till February 15th! Read below for the rules:

rules (illustrated)

  • Your illustration must be (at the least) a halfbody with a semi-scenic background! (We should be able to tell there's depth to the piece!)
  • Your illustration must be, at the minimum, cleanly lined and colored!
  • Your illustration MUST be submitted to the monthly prompt gallery!

rules: (written)

  • Your written piece must be at the least 600 words long!
  • Use paragraph breaks, it makes it much easier for our mods to read over!
  • Your written piece MUST be submitted to the monthly prompt gallery!
Thank you all, and we hope you enjoy the site, and the new prompt!

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