A Lesson in Luck

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The usual peace of the uniform and undisturbed meadow seems to be... interrupted. A trail of trampled clovers and hardening droplets of candle wax seem to extend for a long ways out... caused by no other than Wicke. It flicks its ear, subsequently getting wax thrown further out into the meadow as it slowly waddles through. Its peace is interrupted by another creature running up to it, coming to such an abrupt halt that it can almost hear the comedic skidding sounds.

"Wait wait wait-!!" That creature scrambles back up, huffing for breath. Oh. It's Vani. Wicke knows Vani. ...Somewhat. It's seen her around. It tilts its head, curious as to what she's doing out here, especially so suddenly. She carefully presses her body down to the ground, reaching with her mouth to gently pluck out a clover. Wicke blinks, tilting its head the other way in confusion. Almost as if it's saying 'what's the big deal?'

"It's a four leaf clover!" She sits up, holding it in one paw and slightly extending it out to Wicke. "You almost got your wax all over it! Or worse, you could'a stomped on it!"

...Wicke does not understand. It just blinks, its snout scrunching slightly in thought trying to decipher why that would be important at all.

"You don't know four-leafed clovers?"

Wicke shakes its head. It knows clovers to usually have three leaves, so that is unusual, but it doesn't see the importance at all.

"It's a sign of good luck! You should feel blessed you ran into such a thing!" She smiles, holding the clover in both of her paws. "No one creature knows for sure why they're symbolically lucky, but they're a pretty rare find!"

Wicke stares curiously, looking back down at the clovers below them. (...The ones that aren't trampled and coated in wax, anyway.) She's right. Most of these clovers have only three leaves. A vast majority of them, actually. It looks back at the four-leafed clover, admiring the sight.

Wicke isn't familiar with things associated with good luck. Only misfortune or general unease, like breaking a mirror, various numbers considered to bring bad luck, or walking under a ladder... It looks back up at Vani, curious to know more.

"Oh- right, being kinda ominous is your whole thing, right? You're more about bad luck?" Wicke nods. "Riiiight right... that's why you're so confused. There's lots of other signs of good luck, though! This is just one of many!" She smiles, pulling up her party hat and pulling out a horseshoe and holding it out to it. ...It's not even going to try wondering why she had that on her. "Horseshoes can be a sign of good luck too! Particularly when they're hung with the ends pointing up," she says, holding it so she can point, "many believe this way it can kinda grab all the luck in the air! If you tilt it down, they think the luck'll pour out!"

It follows as she points up at the sky. "And a lot of creatures think shooting stars are lucky too! If you see one in the sky, you should try making a wish!" She smiles at it, and it feels pleasant. This kind of stuff isn't its field of expertise, but it likes learning about it. She notices its ever so slight smile, and her own widens. "I'm glad to have taught you something today!"

Wicke nods, about to turn around and waddle off until it stops in its tracks. ...Wait a second. It turns back to Vani, deciding for once to use its voice. "...How did you know that clover was there?"

Vani simply gives a casual smile. "I could just sense it!" Wicke blinks but just decides to accept it. Sure. Might as well. Makes sense. It shrugs, turning back to walk off down the trail its already made so it doesn't trample on any more innocent clovers. Vani waves it off, that usual bright smile on her face.

A Lesson in Luck
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In Monthly Prompt ・ By togeticky

I got the idea for this the other day while letting my thoughts drift off and thought it was kinda genius. Vani and Wicke are like two different points on the weird spectrum so they're perfect friends.

Submitted By togeticky for Monthly PromptView Favorites
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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