Sagishima's Hatching Day Form
"Ehyu, this is some sort of government filing thing, riiiiiight? Hyuhyu well should probably get ahead of the curve before it doesn't become optional. Here's a baby picture too or somethin for it. Oh uhhh.... my prize? I uhhhhh, can't tell you that. That'd ruin the surprise, wouldn't it? Ehyu-hyu~ ....... You still need it? Alright fine fine I'll fill it out."
She promptly cracks the pen with her thumb, spraying ink all over the section for her prize.
"Oops. Oh wellll... Anywayslookslikeyoucan'tfillthatoutbutheyeverythingelseisfinesoyou'regoodanywaysbyebyeseeyouaround." she runs off before you can get another word in.
I really need to do more with her but I've been super busy with college and stuff. Love herrrr silly scammer gal.
Also, need to get-gud at art again im sooooo rustyyy
Submitted By DreamwingsTheGriffon
for Hatching Day Certificate Turn-In
Submitted: 9 months ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months ago