GA-575: Amleth Herald

Owned by togekissed

AMleth Herald

The Poisoned Tragedy Gachagon


    • Name: Amleth Herald
    • Title: King (was once the crown prince but forced his way into the title)
    • Age: Young Adult
    • Gender Identity: Cis Male (he/him)
    • MBTI: ISTJ
    • Ennegram: Type 3

Open for no ask use in art and writing!


Once a well loved and revered Prince of Shasperia, is now just a cruel leader and husk of the legacy he was to inherit-- Amleth Herald is not a good gachagon. Overtaken by the poisonous pollen of the flowers he so meticulously cared for, he rules with an iron fist and has let his kingdom run to ruin. He is paranoid and vengeful, full of resentment for those who turned their back on him (in his eyes). He was once engaged to Ophelia, and was truly in love with her, but his addiction to his dangerous flowers broke their bond. Her fleeing was his final straw and he allowed himself to be fully overcome by the poison that he had become addicted to.

Amleth was raised with love from his parents, but lost both in a fire before he was old enough to take the throne. He has fond memories of his parents, even if he was so young to lose them. In their stead, he was raised by his uncle, Lord Cuirithir. He looked up to his uncle greatly, seeing him as a worthy gachagon to aspre to be like. And Cuirithir raised him like his own son. Cuirithir was the one who introduced Ophelia to Amleth Herald. Ophelia was the daughter of a highly respected family within Shasperia and it seemed like a match made in heaven. The two were betrothed once they became of age in a ceremony that was the talk of the Kingdom of Shasperia. Amleth loved Ophelia dearly, and  for a while she loved him back as well. But that all changed when Amleth began to dabble in a dangerous practice.

Shasperia was an old kingdom, and while it was not in any imminent danger, times were hard for the region. A shadow of doubt and fear had overtaken when the old King and Queen passed away, and Amleth wanted to find a way to rejuvinate the land and garner more attention from outside settlements, bringing the Kingdom back to its glory days. Amleth had taken a liking to flowers, partly on behalf of Ophelia who would lead him through her meticulously cared for gardens. There was a section that she warned him to be careful of-- a special kind of rose that was kept away from other flowers in the garden. Legend had it that this rose, poisonous in every way, from the prick of a thorn or dusting of pollen, would be enough to drive a gacha mad. But the legend claimed that the rose petals could be turned into the sweetest elixer, capable of healing nearly any malady. Amleth got it into his head that if he studied this rose, and was able to formulate the elixer, prosperity would be brought back to Shasperia. And so, his downfall began.

Amleth was poisoned by the rose of legend, he became all consumed by it. His mindset was shattered and he became unstable and confusing, entrapped in the thorns of the rose. He was addicted to the feeling. His madness and addiction drove Ophelia away and he never forgave her for it. His madness drove him to murder his uncle Cuirithir. His madness drove him to force his crowning as king, and is seemingly driving the kingdom of Shasperia into ruin.



  • His rose garden
  • Ophelia
  • Rain
  • Power


              • Cuirithir
              • Merry Belle
              • All other flowers
              • Fire

Fun Facts

                          • Heavily inspired by Hamlet's character from Shakespeare's play of the same name
                          • His birthday is July 26, the estimated date of the play's first mention
                          • His name "Amleth" comes from the Historical character that most likely was the inspiration for Shakespeare's play
                          • Shasperia, the kingdom Amleth rules over, is a play on Shakespeare!
Song: Men are All The Same by The USed
  • SO I'VE THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT THIS TBH!!! This song is basically Amleth's feelings towards Ophelia, a villian song to his past love that puts away the blame for his current madness. The overarching theme in this song representing Amleth is his inability to accept fault for his madness and everything wrong that has happened. He is not apologetic in the slightest for how things have turned out. It is easier for Ophelia (and others) to just turn away and leave than it is for him to accept that it is his own fault for how he turned out, no other person caused him to turn out how he currently is. He does not want to be blamed for the pain he has caused, what blood he may have spilled to get where he is. NOthing feels safe to him anymore, as it is not a real feeling to him any more. He is an angry shell of who he once was, over taken by his own inability to change or accept blame.
      • This song is what I have coined as Their song. It is a break in the madness of his feelings, of his regret and how he does not want to kiss Ophelia goodbye, but he has nowhere else to go, he has no one else to turn to. He has created a kingdom of pain and isolation and he has no one at the end of the day. Which is why he cannot let go of her, even if it is just his memories of her.

~Art by lightvznz~
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  • Gift writing is allowed
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