Profile GA-116: Pierrot

Owned by togekissed


The Night Opera Gachagon


Pierrot is, for lack of a better term, an old soul. He is an older gachagon who has seen and experienced many hardships. After being partially disfigured by a fire in the human world, a lot of his confidence dissapeared. Pierrot lives his life in relative solitude, except for keeping his small circle of trusted companions around him. He has been shown kindness and love above all else and is thankful for those who he keeps close.  He spends his time in an old abandoned building out on the outskirts of the Keep, prefering a life of solitude to the life of a bustling city. He always finds himself singing alone, missing his old days of performing for audiences and spreading the passion he had for his craft. But now, he simply prefers to spend his days in peace with those he loves.

Pierrot is a classically trained opera singer, once having been a central powerhouse on stage. He befriended a human and often spent time there many years ago, but a horrible fire broke out one night, one that he risked his life to help save his human friend. As a result his horn was shattered and his tail was left with permanent kinks from being broken as well in multiple places; his wings were singed beyong a point of healing and he lost his ability to fly. He left to the Gachagon world a broken spirit, fearing that he wouldn't be accepted again by those of his own species on account of his new found broken appearance. After spending a few years in isolation, he slowly started to make friends with a gacha he stumbled upon during one of his walks: Ophelia. The two bonded over their shared past hardships and found solace within each other. Ophelia helped him slowly get more adjusted to returning to the Keep ever so often, which is where he was introduced to Lovespell. The pink Gachagon admired his talent and wanted to ensure that he felt safe, so she offered for him to enjoy tea with her and Ophelia every week. The three of them began this tradition on a whim but have kept it alive for many years.

The largest turning point of his life was when he met Iliad. The coral colored mergacha had often seen the older gachagon meandering about the coast line, being simply entranced by the forlorn singing of the blue gacha. Iliad would sometimes pop out of the water and tease Pierrot, never speaking, but simply watching and making himself known. The two played a sort of game together, Pierrot would come to the shore and lure Iliad out with a song, and Iliad would surface with an occasional gift. After a while, Iliad got tired of the little game and made the first move, flirting with him playfully. Pierrot was unsure of what to make of the emotions the other gacha made him feel, so it took him a very long time to come to terms with them. But once they both were on the same page, they have been inseperable since. Iliad is opposite in personality to Pierrot, but the two merry perferctly together.



  • Night time
  • Operas
  • Iliad
  • The ocean
  • Sewing


  • Fire
  • Unnecessary cruelty
  • Disloyalty
  • large crowds

Fun Facts

  • He sewed his costume, and is actually really talented at sewing! He just can't bring himself to fix his old costume...
  • He is based off of one of my favorite operas "Pagliacci"
  • His color scheme and design is heavily inspired by 1920s pierrot posters!
  • Iliad calls him a plethora of nicknames: P, love, Stars, sad eyes, and many others.
  • His birthday is March 26
Song: Vesti La Giubba sung by Luciano Pavarotti
  • Opera my secred beloved interest. When I rewatched the taping of Luciano Pavarotti's performance of "Pagliaccio" I was originally inspired to make Pierrot! This song is the finale of the first act of the short 2 act opera, and it is one of the most memorable opera pieces in my opinion. In music classes, this song is one in the line up to show case importance examples of Opera. While the face value meaning of this song is about Canio coming to terms with the knowledge his wife is cheating on him, and he must get on stage and preform the act of an aloof and dumb character, when in actuality, he is intelligent and serious. His emotions were played like a fiddle and he was burned by the one person he was supposed to trust most. But on a deeper level, this song is a bit more than a center plot point for the opera. Looking at the translation for the song, it can be taken as a feeling of needing to put on an act for others, to protect yourself from furthering pain. You take the anger and rage and negative you feel and have to cover it with clown make up and make others laugh and feel happy. You feel an obligation to push past your own negative emotions in order to put on a performance for others and ensure their enjoyment. The term "clown" in this setting has a double meaning: a literal character to play, and a way of self perception on account of acting a fool instead of expressing your own true emotions. This forlorn and lamentful song, sung with full sad emotion and fealings of needing to put on a performance perfectly encapsulates Pierrot.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed