<a href="https://gachagon.art/world/items?name=Dubious Eraser" class="display-item">Dubious Eraser</a>

Dubious Eraser

Category: Event Items


This item allows your Gachagon to become half Scribblie! 

  • Your Gachagon MUST remain entirely the same as a half-Scribblie. No changes, no matter how small, are allowed without additional items.
  • This item can only be used ONCE, and is irreversible. Please use carefully!
  • The dubious eraser can be used on up to 4 parts of your Gachagon, however it's limited to 2 major body parts (EX: head, a full leg, the torso, etc.) and 2 minor body parts (EX: horns, paws, claws, etc.); A single eraser can be used to change two body parts (EX: a full leg + horns), so you can use up to 2 erasers on a single Gachagon!
    • Or, if you would prefer, you can make your Gachagon half-scribblie (EX: the top half is full Gachagon, and the bottom half is full Scribblie, or vice versa) but if you do do this, you cannot make any other parts of the Gachagon into a Scribblie, or any of the Scribblie parts full Gachagon. I.e., either half/half OR individual body parts, not both.