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Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Bustersw0rd

Ab will be added later!

[Closed] Summer Gachagon Gacha

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Digimon

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 2nd Gachagon gacha! Like last time, we have 3 categories:
20 crayon-only Gachagons, 16 crayon-only Gachapanions, and 20 money-only Gachagons !

You can roll for all 3 categories this time around, unlike last time! (You can roll once for both crayon and money Gachas, not just limited to one or the other) Autobuys will be allowed twice per person after 24 hours to encourage rolling & to make things fair! We hope you find the gacha fun. :] 

Prices are as follows:
Money-only Gachagons - $15 for a roll, $5 to reroll, and $25 to autobuy a design after 24 hours!
Crayon-only Gachagons - 1000 crayons for a roll, 400 to reroll, and 2000 to autobuy a design after 24 hours!
Gachapanions - 400 to roll, 200 to reroll, and 800 to autobuy one after 24 hours!

You are only allowed one reroll for all categories. Since we had an issue with this last year, anyone found being disrespectful or rude about any design they've rolled will recieve a warning/possibly a strike if said behavior continues. Please be kind, our mods spent a lot of time on these designs! Like last year, we will have a swap channel available in our Discord server for a limited time if you wish to swap your Gachagon/Gachapanion with another user.

Make sure to reply on the proper comment threads (linked below) to claim a roll! A full of all designs will be shown after all are rolled/autobought.



[Open] 🏳️‍🌈2022 PRIDE GACHAGON BATCH🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Digimon
Flatsale: GA-684[Closed]
Design: tuxcqt ・ Art: tuxcqt
Price: $800

Lesbian | Crayons only

Flatsale: GA-685[Closed]
Design: Bustersw0rd ・ Art: Bustersw0rd
Price: $35

Gay | Paypal only

Flatsale: GA-686[Closed]
Design: 39friend ・ Art: 39friend
Price: $40

Bisexual | Paypal only

Flatsale: GA-687[Closed]
Design: togeticky ・ Art: togeticky
Price: $35

Transgender | Paypal only

Flatsale: GA-688[Closed]
Design: WeiWuxian ・ Art: WeiWuxian
Price: $40

Queer | Paypal Only

OTA: GA-689[Closed]
Design: togekissed ・ Art: togekissed

Pansexual | OTA Crayons or art

Flatsale: GA-690[Open]
Design: tachyon ・ Art: tachyon
Price: $30

Nonbinary | Paypal only

Flatsale: GA-691[Closed]
Design: Digimon ・ Art: Digimon
Price: $40

Xenogender | Paypal Only

Flatsale: GA-692[Closed]
Design: yugioh ・ Art: yugioh
Price: $35

Catgender | Paypal or Venmo only

Happy pride month! to celebrate our mod team has thrown together an adopt batch!

Lesbian | Gay | Bisexual

Transgender | Queer | Pansexual

Nonbinary | Xenogender | Catgender


Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Digimon

Due to the success of our last breeding batch, we've decided to do another final test run of breeding batches this month! This time there will be 3 batches, and the artists will be Digimon, seppy, and tachyon! All 3 slots are fcfs and your designer will be randomized!

(As a small reminder, parents do not have to be 'canon' and you are free to do what you wish, and you are allowed to use other's Gachagons with permission from the owner, or if their Gachagons are marked 'open for breeding' on their profiles! However, please tell the owner of said Gachagon before doing so!)

It is $25 per inital baby claimed (You can claim up to 2, to make it fair!), and once you're shown your batch results, you can choose to pre-autobuy any other babies you'd like to claim as well!

If interested, please comment below with the form! Remember, all slots are FCFS!


Parent 1: (masterlist link)
Parent 2: (masterlist link)
How many babies are you claiming initally?:
Do's/Don'ts: (these are NOT customs, please keep this limited. for example "semi-complex designs" would be fine)